(f5) Mette Marie Madsdatter, g Frodesen

Kvinne 1800 -

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  • Navn Mette Marie Madsdatter 
    • Det er usikkert hvor Mette Marie kommer fra; har bare funnet en i Telemark, født i 1800, datter av Mads Larsen og Marekken Madsdatter i Bamble.
    Prefiks (f5) 
    Suffiks g Frodesen 
    Fødsel 6 Okt 1800  Kiær [gård], Bamle (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [1, 2, 3
    Dåp 12 Okt 1800  Bamble kirke, Bamble (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [2
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Yrke 1825  Prindsesens Gade 68, Skien (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    "Tiæneste pige" i husholdningen hos "Kiøbmand" [enkemann] Jacob Bøyesen 
    Emigrasjon 21 Mai 1844  Langesund (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [4
    Med "brig Washington" 
    Immigrasjon 09 Jul 1844  New York (New York) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [4, 5
    • "...arrived in New York on the George Washington, 9 Jul 1844.
      [med sin mann, Søren, og to sønner: Lars Martin(ius) Sørensen Frodesen, f 20 Apr1831, og Johan Theodor Frodesen f 4 Dec 1833].
      Se også 1850 cencus of Merton, Waukesha, Wisconsin."
    Bolig 1850  Town of Merton, Waukesha County (Wisconsin) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    "Mary Prudeson /[age] 52 /[birthplace] Norway /pg0403b.txt /the Town of Merton"
    Kilde: Index to the 1850 Federal Census, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Page 16 of 26)
    Person ID I119  FrodesenSlekt
    Sist endret 1 Mai 2024 

    Far Mads Larsen 
    Mor Marekken Madsdatter 
    Famile ID F501  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie (F5) SØREN LARSEN FRODESEN, g Qvist + Madsdatter,   f. 1789, Kongsberg (Buskerud) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. Før 1875, Wisconsin, USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 85 år) 
    Ekteskap 17 Jul 1830  Kragerø (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [1, 6
    Bolig 1850  Town of Merton, Waukesha County (Wisconsin) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    • Her er de tre familiemedlemmene som bor i Town of Merton i 1850:
      Søren: Prudeson Levren |60 M| |Norway
      Mette Marie: Prudeson Mary |52 F ||Norway
      Lars Martinius: Prudeson Martin |19 M |Laborer |Norway |
      - Johan, som ville vært 16-17 år i 1850 (to og et halvt år yngre enn broren, Martin) finnes ikke i husholdningen.
      ??? Er han flyttet hjemmefra - eller er han død (f.eks. i koleraepidemien i 1849)?

      Kilde: 1850 Federal Census, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Page 42 of 58)
      The county of Waukesha is situated directly west of Milwaukee, at an average distance of twenty-five miles from that city. It contains 368,640 acres of land, divided into openings, timber, marsh and prairie land in the proportion of fifty, thirty-five, twelve and three per cent respectively. These different varieties are conveniently diversified and intermingled. In some few portions the surface is hilly, in others, nearly level, but in the greater portion it is gently rolling. There is a variety of soil, but for the greater part it is a mixture of loam and clay. It also contains much calcareous matter, is easy to cultivate and very productive, and is adapted to the growth of all kinds of grain and grasses. Considerable attention is given to raising various breeds of herded stock. The county is noted for its large flocks of fine sheep, its valuable stock of cattle and its dairy interests. Apples are raised in more than sufficient quantities to meet the wants of the county; pears, plums and other fruit do well in some seasons. The acreage of crops given by the census of 1875 is of wheat, 42,819; of oats, 19,596; of corn, 24,304; of barley, 5,086; of rye, 3,759; of hops, 202; of tobacco, 6; total, 96,772 acres. The county is well watered by springs, brooks, rivers and lakes, abounding with fine fish. Around Oconomowoc are many small lakes, beautifully located, which have made the place a noted summer resort. At the city of Waukesha, the county seat, a mineral spring has been discovered whose waters possess great curative powers, and which attracts many visitors and invalids. The state industrial school for boys is located in this city. There are also woolen mills here, which are largely engaged in the manufacture of shawls of excellent quality. The best limestone deposits in the state are found in this county, at Waukesha, Pewaukee and Menomonee, and an extensive business is done in the exportation of building stone and lime. Beds of clay suitable for pottery ware are found in the towns of Merton, Menomonee and Lisbon. Population of county in 1875, 29,425, comprising 19,115 natives; 4,511 Germans; 2,567 English, Scotch and Welsh; 1,658 Irish; 796 Swedes and Norwegians; 345 Canadians; 245 French and Swiss, and 188 of other nationalities. Number of schools, 120; children of school age, 11,212."
      Genealogy Trail - Wisconsin
    US Census 1850 (Søren Prudeson m fam)
    US Census 1850 (Søren Prudeson m fam)
    Bolig 10 Sep 1875  Menasha township, Waushara County (Wisconsin) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [7
    Mette Marie, Sørens enke, kjøper land (80 acres) i Wisconsin. 
    • Registrert kjøp av land, 10/9 1875 i Menasha township:

      Wisconsin Land Patents Database: Waushara County - Surnames L-O
      The Wisconsin Land Patents Database contains the following information for
      each land transaction:
      date, location (township, range, section), name of person the land was patented to,
      county, date, and the patent document identification number.

      Using this information, you can access the Bureau of Land Management
      web site and view a copy of the original document.


      The document can be saved to disk, printed out, or merely viewed. Certified
      copies of the document can be orderd on their web site as well.

      The National Archives will also send you a copy of the patent file for $10 from
      at the following address:

      Reference Branch (Lands)
      National Archives
      Washington, DC 20408
      (202) 501-5428

      All of the twps and ranges in WI are measured from the 4th Principal

      WI Land Offices
      01 Ashland
      02 Bayfield
      03 Eau Claire
      04 Falls St. Croix
      05 Green Bay
      06 Hudson
      07 La Crosse
      08 Menasha
      09 Milwaukee
      10 Mineral Point
      11 Muskaday
      12 Stevens Point
      13 Superior
      14 Wausau
      15 Willow River
      16 Wisconsin


      LARSON METTA M 28 20 N 12 E 0 08 2 1875/09/10 WIDOW OF SOREN LARSON
      LARSON METTA M 28 20 N 12 E 80 08 2 1875/09/10 WIDOW OF SOREN LARSON
    +1. (f4) (us4) Lars Martinius (Martin) Sørensen Frodesen, g Pettersen,   f. 20 Apr 1831, Kragerø (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 10 Jul 1912, Oceana County (Michigan) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 81 år)
     2. (f4) (us4) Johan Theodor Sørensen Frodesen,   f. 4 Des 1833, Kragerø (Telemark) Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. ???13 Feb 1904, Eau Claire (Wisconsin) USA Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 70 år)
    Famile ID F41  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 17 Okt 2017 

  • Notater 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S3] Family Search - Genealogy site, http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.2/MYSB-2BX/p4.
      Norway Marriages, 1660-1926 for Soren Frodesen

    2. [S136] *KIRKEBOK (scan), https://media.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061201010369.
      Telemark fylke, Langesund, Bamble i Bamble, Ministerialbok nr. I 2 (1775-1814), Fødte og døpte 1800, Side 156-157

    3. [S141] *FOLKETELLING 1801 (DA), (Digitalarkivet), https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01058306000841.
      Folketelling 1801 for 0814P Bamble prestegjeld

    4. [S58] Norway-Heritage: Passenger lists 1825 - 1873, http://www.norwayheritage.com/p_list.asp?jo=2057.
      Oppført som Marie Frosen

    5. [S31] FindAGrave [Memorial Database], http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=54274470.
      [omtale av sønnen, Lars Martinius Sørensen Frodesen]

    6. [S136] *KIRKEBOK (scan), https://media.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061204040238.
      SAKO, Kragerø kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0004: Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1814-1831, s. 216
      Gml. lenke:
      Telemark fylke, Kragerø, Klokkerbok nr. 2 (1814-1831), Ekteviede 1831, side 217.

    7. [S137] *NETTSIDE, http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/details/patent/default.aspx?accession=WI1780__.367&docClass=STA&sid=dlzfsp55.x0z.
      US Department of the Interior
      Bureau of Land Mangement - General Land Office Records

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Redigert av Kari Frodesen.